Thursday, November 18, 2010

Our newest addition!

The doggie situation at our house changed a lot this summer, and we weren't really looking to add any new members to our family, but that all changed a few weeks ago. When Colby was born we got to know another family with a little girl in the ICN. We've stayed in touch, and a couple months ago found out that the female dog they rescued was pregnant. She had 8 puppies that all needed homes. We went back and forth about the idea of getting a new puppy, but in the end decided to bring 8 week old Nicki home with us. She is a mutt, but has little brown eyebrows like Hershey had. She is wild and crazy, and no where near house broken yet. Shelby tolerates her, but would much rather lie on her bed and sleep than have a pesky little puppy nipping at her. Colby does pretty well with her, and is getting really good at saying, "no Nicki!"

1 comment:

Which Way's Up? said...

There's a race now in the Guy House as to who is cuter - Colby or Nikki. I will say (from experience)...Colby's got a leg up since he wears a diaper and I don't have to follow him around with a roll of paper towels. much fun! Can I tell you how pooped I was after attempting to run them both ragged?